Ljubow Jung - Gold. Orchid. Synadena (2022)

27.6x19.7 in ~ Painting, Acrylic, Pigments

$1,400.97 Shipping to United States included
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The young charmer is like an orchid flower, beautiful, charming, and unique in her own way.
The orchid has its own, special and mysterious story. She is able to bloom only in favorable conditions for her. A young beauty also needs to be protected from adversity and sheltered from bad weather. Otherwise, you will not be able to fully enjoy its presence in your life.

This picture will decorate your interior, create a cozy atmosphere and push you to the inner dialogue.
Original acrylic painting on canvas. Figurative art.

The sides are always a continuation of the picture. This provides a good view of any environment and this makes it possible not to use an additional frame.
An authenticity certificate is attached.


Available as prints from $34.8

Reproductions, Canvas prints, Metal Print

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